Childhood Obesity Epidemic Worsens

Janet B. McGill, MD

Childhood obesity in America is on the rise, and at rates higher than previous studies suggested, according to a study published Monday in the journal Pediatrics. The findings emerged after researchers analyzed federal data from the latest National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the “gold standard” in childhood and fitness research which every two years collects […]

Health Food for the Heart

Caroline M. Apovian, MD, FACP, FTOS, DABOM

A number of studies indicate that nuts, which are typically full of nutritious fats and fiber, can actively lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Due to the food’s abundance of nutrients and antioxidants, nuts have additionally been studied to help assess their ability in fighting the damage to cells that can trigger cancer. This health food […]

Stroke & Dementia Risk Grows with Intake of Artificial Sweeteners

Diet sodas are gaining negative attention yet again, and for good reason. A recent study found that consuming a daily can of sugar-free soda is associated with higher risks of suffering a stroke or developing dementia. Heavily sugared drinks already had a bad rap for causing a myriad of health issues such as weight gain, […]

The Benefits of a Vegan Diet

While there are a multitude of promises available regarding specific diets that will help individuals lose weight and/or mitigate cardiovascular risks factors, clinical research indicates that within a few weeks of eating a whole-food, plant-based diet, many people will have improved insulin sensitivity and lowered levels of cholesterol. Dr. Thomas M. Campbell, Medical Director of […]

Biomarkers Could Predict Best Diets

A new study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has indicated two biomarkers that can predict the efficacy of certain diets for weight loss: specifically, for people with prediabetes or diabetes. Through an analysis of over 1,200 adults, researchers discovered that a person’s fasting blood glucose levels, fasting insulin levels, or both, could […]

The Benefits of Mindful Eating

Recent studies indicate that meal timing and frequency may impact cardiovascular health, and disease risks. While eating patterns vary from person to person, research indicates that effective management of cardiometabolic health should focus on ‘intentional eating’–paying attention to standardize eating times, meal sizes, and food content. One of the primary critical factors in evaluating the effect […]

Coconut Oil: Not So Healthy?

 A recent new advisory report from the American Heart Association advises against the use of coconut oil, a popular trend in the health and wellness industry. The Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease, after viewing existing data on saturated fats, has demonstrated that coconut oil specifically increased LDL—known as ‘bad’ cholesterol—in seven out of seven controlled […]

1/3 of World = Overweight

A new study reports that more than two billion adults and children across the globe are overweight or obese, and suffer from related health problems. Spurred by poor nutrition and low levels of physical activity, this number equates to one-third of the world’s population. While 2.2 billion people can be classified as overweight or obese, […]

Most Cardiologists Lack Nutrition Education

A recent study has found that the majority of cardiologists lack current, up-to-date education surrounding nutrition and diet. A report published by the American Journal of Medicine, authored by a dozen healthcare professionals in the United States and Spain, titled “A Deficiency of Nutrition Education and Practice in Cardiology” details that less than a third […]

Calling All Cheese Lovers

A large-scale analysis indicates that cheese, and other dairy products, do not lead to an increased risk of death from heart disease or stroke. A study published in the European Journal of Epidemiology involving scientists at the Institute for Food, Nutrition, and Health at the University of Reading, England analyzed 29 studies that collectively represented almost 1 […]


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