CMHC Pulse Blog

A recent article[1] revealed what happens if you frequently visit your office’s Halloween candy stash, or you eat your kid’s leftover Trick-Or-Treat candies…

Jumping Jacks.

Lots and lots of them, if you want to burn off what you ate! Although Halloween candies often come in smaller, “mini” versions of the regular candy sizes, they are all still packed with calories and sugar.

The article provided this handy but SCARY chart* (how appropriate for Halloween), which shows us just how many minutes of jumping jacks you need to do in order to fight off the evil Halloween candy you consume…

*Calculations based on a 150-pound woman

[1] Popsugar. Sugar, Jenny. “This Is How May Jumping Jacks You Need to Do to Work Off Halloween Candy.” October 29, 2017. Accessed October 30, 2017.


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