CMHC Pulse Blog

Cardio Disease & Caffeine 600W-03An abundance of recent research points to the ways in which caffeine, consumed in moderation, can be beneficial for the heart.

Recent research from Stanford revealed a connection between aging and systematic inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and coffee consumption. Through the investigation of blood samples, survey data, and medical and family histories, researchers confirmed that a fundamental inflammatory mechanism associated with aging—that helps spur the onset of cardiovascular disease—can be countered by nucleic-acid metabolites in coffee.

Additionally, as more than 90% of all noncommunicable diseases of aging are associated with chronic inflammation, it is well known that caffeine intake is also associated with longevity.

Another published study on the beneficial effects of tea has recently demonstrated that consuming the beverage on a daily basis was associated with lower risks of developing life-threatening heart disease. Through the assessment of over 487,000 adults in China, and part of the largest prospective study assessing the association between caffeine and incident ischemic heart disease, daily tea consumers were at a lower risk for cardiovascular disease than those who drank less than daily.

During the study’s follow-up period, there were over 24,000 cases of incident ischemic heart disease, and almost 4,000 cases of major coronary events—yet fewer events occurred for tea drinkers.

The aforementioned studies produce compelling evidence regarding the role of caffeine in health, and its ability to potentially curb the advancement of cardiovascular disease.


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