Cardiometobolic Beat

In an effort to tackle the complexities of cardiometabolic health, CMHC presents Cardiometabolic Beat, a podcast where we bring you expert perspectives and views on the latest and clinically- relevant topics in cardiometabolic care.

Treatment for Obesity for Patients with Dr. Wyatt

RECORDED: July 12, 2022
Dr. Holly Wyatt’s love for research began when she was just a child. She credits her father, an electrical engineer, with sparking her curiosity for the sciences and putting her on the path to becoming the clinical scientist she is today. Her personal challenges with “stopping the yo-yo” of dieting drove her to seek answers about metabolism and how the body and mind work together when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off forever. You don’t want to miss her tips and tricks for treating patients with obesity in this podcast episode.

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