How To Overcome Clinical Disparities in Women with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Cardiovascular Mortality Risk Triples in T2D Patients with CKD Patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) face heightened risks of cardiovascular and renal morbidity and mortality. Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is the leading cause of dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the US and most countries.  According to the […]
Kidney Week 2023: Top Ten Takeaways

More than 12,000 attendees flocked to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on Nov. 2-5, 2023, to gain perspective on the latest advances in the management of glomerular disease. Kidney Week 2023 not only served as a platform for the latest news and updates in the field but also marked the final meeting of the year for practitioners in […]
Cardiometabolic Health Congress (CMHC) Launches Focused Digital Education Hubs
Cardiometabolic health education leader CMHC announced that its digital education has been streamlined into 12 hubs organized by therapeutic or clinical topics for focused learning The digital education from worldwide cardiometabolic event leader CMHC has undergone a reorganization. A vast collection of webinars, CME activities, expert interviews, on-demand event recordings, news articles, drug pipelines, and […]