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A new paper recently published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology outlines several trendy ‘health fads’ that—in reality—are actually detrimental to a solidly nutritious diet.

While juicing has long been touted as a popular method to detoxify the body and lose weight, studies now demonstrate that while juicing may improve absorption of some plant nutrients, it leaves out a considerable amount of the fiber found in whole fruits and vegetables. Moreover, people who drink large quantities of juice tend to drink more concentrated calories, without feeling full and satiated afterwards. Research indicates that drinking calories is not as fulfilling as chewing them.

Another trend that has emerged as a global ‘dietary craze’ is coconut oil—yet it is naturally loaded with unhealthy, saturated fats. Additionally, the widespread gluten-free diet ultimately yields little positive health benefit for people not afflicted with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. Using olive and vegetable oils in cooking is both more prudent and nutritious, as they contain healthy unsaturated fats.

The aforementioned conclusions are part of a newly released review of the latest scientific evidence concerning food and nutrition, initially conducted to shed light on the latest diet fads. The review’s lead author Dr. Andrew Freeman, co-chair of the American College of Cardiology’s Lifestyle and Nutrition Work Group, has articulated that there is a widespread confusion in terms of nutrition. The review of medical evidence related to overall healthy eating patterns and specific popular dietary fads in the country further reveals that high-dose antioxidant dietary supplements do not produce any more benefits than simply eating foods rich in antioxidants.

Eating a well-balanced diet generally does not require additional vitamin supplementation, and whole grains are ultimately healthier for people than gluten-free alternatives, which are often higher in processed carbohydrates. Researchers conclude that the best route to health is a predominantly plant-based diet that concentrates on whole unprocessed foods, with fruits and vegetables that are “antioxidant-rich nutrient powerhouses.”


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