Cheese: A Heart Healthy Snack?

Cheese is typically considered more of an indulgence than a health food, but a new review of research suggests that it may not be as bad for you as once thought. In fact, people in the analysis who ate a little bit of cheese every day were less likely to develop heart disease or have […]

The Co-Occurrence of Diabetes & Heart Disease

The number of people living with diabetes has tripled since 2000, leading to enormous financial ramifications: the global cost of the disease is $850 billion each year. The latest estimates from the International Diabetes Federation indicate that one in 11 adults worldwide have diabetes; most have type 2 diabetes, which is strongly linked to obesity […]

Heart Rate Variability

Thinking about your health means understanding your heart health, and paying attention to measures like cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglycerides. There is one more to add to the list: heart rate variability. “Heart rate variability is the variation in the time between each heart beat,” explains John P. Higgins, MD, MBA, a sports cardiologist at […]

Sitting at Work? Exercise to Reduce Cardiometabolic Risk

Regular exercise outside of work can reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome in people whose jobs have them sitting most of the time, according to a small study from Brazil. “If you have a sedentary occupation, especially in a sitting position for hours, you should move yourself out of work at least 150 minutes per […]

Obesity Crisis Will Double Number of Stroke Victims

Fueled by the consistently worsening obesity crisis, cases of stroke victims are expected to almost double in the next two decades. Experts note that the number of new strokes in the United Kingdom alone could jump by 44% by 2035; currently, more than one in four adults qualifies as obese or overweight—compared to one in […]

Type 2 Diabetes and Heart Failure: A Deadly Combination

An in-depth session titled “Heart Failure: The Frequent, Forgotten, and Often Fatal Complication of Type 2 Diabetes” was presented last week at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology’s 26th Annual Scientific and Clinical Congress. The cited evidence and research pointed to a high frequency of heart failure, accompanied by an increased risk of mortality, for […]

Pass the Butter!

A new editorial published by a group of cardiologists in the British Journal of Sports Medicine argues that saturated fats, found in foods like butter, cheese, and meats, does not clog arteries and ultimately lead to cardiovascular disease. The doctors report that a Mediterranean-style diet, coupled with minimal stress and daily exercise, should be the […]

Happy Hour: Good for the Heart?

A recent large-scale study indicates that alcohol, in moderation, is healthy for the heart. New research published in the British Medical Journal adds further evidence linking alcohol consumption with lower risks of heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. While the new study is consistent with earlier results that have shown potential heart health benefits from occasional drinking, it amplifies […]

Move — and Move Often!

While most physicians and nutritionists agree that low to moderate levels of weekly physical activity is often insufficient to significantly reduce body weight, studies indicate that those who transition from little to no daily physical activity to moderate levels have clinically meaningful reductions in cardiometabolic risk. Scores of controlled trials over the last decade demonstrate […]

Unscrambling Eggs: Nutrition Science

A recent article published through National Public Radio analyzes and assesses one of humankind’s most reliable source of calories: eggs, which have historically been obtained “with minimal exertion and zero horticulture skills.” In the late 1970s, specifically, the appreciation of eggs was at an all-time high, as physicians began to realize that excess cholesterol is […]


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