Unscrambling Eggs: Nutrition Science

A recent article published through National Public Radio analyzes and assesses one of humankind’s most reliable source of calories: eggs, which have historically been obtained “with minimal exertion and zero horticulture skills.” In the late 1970s, specifically, the appreciation of eggs was at an all-time high, as physicians began to realize that excess cholesterol is […]

Shoveling in Snowstorms: Bad for the Heart?

A new study published in the Canadian Medical Association has found that the days following a heavy snowfall often carry a significantly greater risk of heart attacks for men. The medical community has long suspected that snow shoveling can increase heart attacks at a population level, yet this study concretely confirms the link between snowfall […]

Less Screen Time, More Sports: Childhood Obesity & Cardiovascular Disease

A host of studies have confirmed the correlation between childhood obesity and adult cardiovascular disease, illustrating the consequences of obesity during childhood. Because obese and overweight children are more likely to become obese adults than those who were not obese as children, they face an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as CVD, type […]

Caffeine: The Magic Bullet for Cardio Disease?

An abundance of recent research points to the ways in which caffeine, consumed in moderation, can be beneficial for the heart. Recent research from Stanford revealed a connection between aging and systematic inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and coffee consumption. Through the investigation of blood samples, survey data, and medical and family histories, researchers confirmed that a […]

January’s Cardio Crisis

Recent research has concluded that cardiovascular deaths, specifically heart attacks and strokes, are statistically more common in January. New evidence has led scientists to believe that a number of factors have collectively caused this phenomenon, through the analysis of millions of death certificates. Similar patterns of cardiac mortality in the winter months, specifically January, have […]

Linking Fiber Facts & Heart Health

Several studies have demonstrated that the consumption of fiber has significantly lowered levels of cholesterol, reduces the risk of stroke and diabetes, helps with weight loss, and can ultimately prevent cardiovascular disease. Fiber comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble, though most fiber-rich foods contain both types. While most people generally associate fiber with a […]


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